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- nVmDIZ 0.5 by bEAt lORd of nEVERmIND
- Introduction:
- nVmDIZ is tool for making file_id.diz's of AmiNet .readme files. Recently
- I've got full Internet access, and I've taken a few things... and I
- noticed that I need something like that. Other reason is that I've taken
- AMOSPro GUI extension and I wanted to see how it works. Meanwhile I've
- found some other tools that doing this (like DODiz or Dizzy), but there were
- no GUI, nor they (at least some of them;) were configurable in a way nVmDIZ
- is.
- Yeah, right. Meanwhile, DODiz is greatly enhanced, it now has more featres
- then nVmDIZ (except GUI) and is more stable. I got almost NONE feedback, so I
- decided to quit working on nVmDIZ. Thanks to everyone who did write to me
- anyway!
- Installation:
- Use supplied nVmDIZ_install Installer script. Else, you could install nVmDIZ
- manualy: copy it wherever you want, and copy nVmDIZ.diz and nVmDIZ.archivers to
- ENVARC: That should be all.
- Configuration:
- Via Tooltypes:
- There are 5 tooltypes right now:
- WINX = Window X coordinate.
- WINY = Window Y coordinate.
- IWX = Iconified window X coordinate.
- IWY = Iconified window Y coordinate.
- DEFDIR = Default directory with your archives.
- REPLACE= (ALWAYS|NEVER|ASK), will file_id.diz be replaced if it is in
- archive.
- EDITOR = Name of text editor you want to use. It could be run
- asynchronously.
- COMMENT= String that will be in Comment gadget.
- Via nVmDIZ.archivers file:
- nVmDIZ.archivers contains information about archive types you may encounter.
- It can be edited with any text editor; for every archive type there must be
- four lines, as folowing:
- Extension (lower case!)
- How to extract .readme
- How to extract file_id.diz
- How to replace file_id.diz
- If operation is not posible for your archive type (e.g. extracting .readme's
- from GIFs or so), then leave an empty line.
- Examples:
- lha
- lha e @F T: #?.readme
- lha e @F T: file_id.diz
- lha r @F T:file_id.diz
- gif
- diz_tool @F >T:file_id.diz
- diz_tool m @F T:file_id.diz
- Via nVmDIZ.diz file:
- nVmDIZ.diz file can contain 4 special symbols right now. That are: @F@ for
- filename, @T@ for type, @S@ for short, and @C@ for comment. Argument starts
- with e.g. @F@, and ends with @F@; everything between will be owervriten.
- Note that, right now, it isn't possible to remove completely any of theese
- entries. Also note that, if entries are longer than reserved space, they
- will not be shortened, but everything right will be moved.
- Example:
- _
- ___..__ _.(_).___ ____ _____
- (___l| Y | | | / \-___ \ ______________.
- .............$!............................ |
- -------------------------------------------'---
- Name:@F@@@@@@@@@@@@@@F@ Type:@T@@@@@T@
- Short:@S@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@S@
- ComNt:@C@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@C@
- - -- --- ----- ----------- --------------------
- Usage:
- Damned simple! Archive name can be entered in 1st text gadget or get by
- clicking on gadget with F on the right side. Same way is for ReadMe file.
- Ar gadget on the right will extract all .readmes from archive, and let
- you pick one. Get gadget is for getting Short: and Type: lines from
- .readme file. Of course, you can change this text in text gadgets. When
- everything is finished, click on Make DIZ and you'll see requester which
- will show you your file_id.diz. If you are satisfied click on 'Make it'. Then
- you will see old file_id.diz, if there was any in the archive (should order
- of theese two DIZ's be different? Mail me!). If everything is OK, archive
- now contains your file_id.diz .
- Note: key shortcuts don't work.
- ToDo's:
- (In no particular order)
- -AmigaGuide documentation :)
- -Short: wordwrapping.
- -Command line options.
- -Nicer icons and GUI.
- -C rewritting.
- -NO signature in DIZ (well, in fact, there is one , but configurable).
- Known bugs:
- -If you set some window X coordinates in WINX tooltype, it will crash your
- system. I guess this is bug in AMOSPro GUI, but I'm not sure.
- If you find any other bugs, mail me!
- History:
- 0.5 Due to lack of feedback this is probably the final release:
- -Now it's possible to edit diz manually before inserting it into archive
- -EDITOR tooltype added
- -Key shortcuts now work! (mostly :)
- -Recompiled with new GUI compiler -> should be much more stable
- -Font sensitive GUI
- -Version string added :)
- -New nVmDIZ icon :)
- -Minor bugfixes
- 0.4 Now we're comming close:
- -Support for .rea and .rdm files
- -REPLACE, COMMENT tooltypes added
- -Some shorting of code
- -No more idiotic strings in gadgets and requesters (I hope)
- -Installer install script.
- -Smarter file and directory handling
- -Configurable archive types
- 0.3 More added:
- -WINX, WINY, IWX, IWY and DEFDIR tooltypes
- -Selective arguments position in DIZ file.
- -Edit gadget in DIZ requester, but it's not yet active:)
- -Some bugs fixed
- 0.2 A few bits added
- -Adding DIZ in archive
- -Bigger and nicer About requester:)
- -Iconifying
- -DIZ preview
- -Asks if DIZ is going to be overwrited
- 0.1 Initial relase
- Author:
- Please send all your comments, sugestions and bugreports to me. My
- e-mails are:
- beat.lord@universe.bc.co.yu
- smolensk@eunet.yu
- smolenski@setnet.co.yu
- Thank you.
- Thanks:
- Jan van den Baard for his GR8! GadToolsBox.
- Petro Ghizzoni for his (also GR8!) AMOSPro GUI extension.
- Miroslaw Siedlarz for his GTT procedure.
- sule of nEVERmIND for moral support, and for his great ASCIIs.
- mr_W of nEVERmIND for moral & code support.
- Greets to all members of nEVERmIND worldvide! (ehhehe:)
- _
- ___..__ _.(_).___ ____ _____
- (___l| Y | | | / \-___ \ ______________.
- .............$!............................ |
- -------------------------------------------'---